

Some knowledge about AIBN (CAS:78-67-1)

1.English name:2,2′-Azobis(2-methylpropionitrile)


2.Chemical properties:


White columnar crystals or white powdery crystals. Insoluble in water, soluble in organic solvents such as methanol, ethanol, acetone, ether, Petroleum ether and aniline.



As an initiator for polymerization of vinyl chloride, Vinyl acetate, acrylonitrile and other monomers, as well as as a foaming agent for rubber and plastics, the dosage is 10%~20%. This product can also be used as a vulcanizing agent, agricultural chemicalbook medicine, and an intermediate in organic synthesis. This product is a highly toxic substance. Oral LD5017.2-25mg/kg in mice can cause significant toxicity to humans due to the release of organic cyanide during thermal decomposition.

4.Production method:


Acetone, hydrazine hydrate and Sodium cyanide are used as raw materials: the above Condensation reaction temperature is 55~60 ℃, the reaction time is 5h, and then cooling to 25~30 ℃ for 2h. When the temperature drops to below 10 ℃, chlorine is introduced and the reaction takes place below 20 ℃ in Chemicalbook. The material ratio is: HCN: acetone: hydrazine=1L: 1.5036kg: 0.415kg. Acetone cyanohydrin reacts with hydrazine hydrate, and then oxidizes with liquid chlorine or aminobutyronitrile with Sodium hypochlorite.


5.Initiation temperature of initiator


AIBN is a particularly excellent Radical initiator. When heated to about 70 ° C, it will decompose and release nitrogen and generate free radical (CH3) 2CCN. The free radical is relatively stable due to the influence of cyano group. It can react with another organic substrate and regenerate into a new free radical while annihilating itself, thus triggering the Chain reaction of free radicals (see Free Radical Reaction). At the same time, it can also be coupled with two molecules by Chemicalbook to produce tetramethyl Succinonitrile (TMSN) with strong toxicity. When heating AIBN to 100-107 ° C, it melts and undergoes rapid decomposition, releasing nitrogen gas and several toxic organic nitrile compounds, which may also cause explosion and ignition. Slowly decompose at room temperature and store below 10 ° C. Keep away from sparks and heat sources. Toxic. Metabolized into hydrocyanic acid in animal tissues such as blood, liver, and brain.


6.Storage and transportation characteristics:


① Toxicity classification: Poisoning


② Explosive hazard characteristics: can explode when mixed with oxidants; Easy to oxidize, unstable, strongly decomposes under heat, and explodes Chemicalbook when heated with heptane and acetone


③ Flammability hazard characteristics: Flammable in the presence of open flames, high temperatures, and oxidizing agents; Decomposes flammable gases when exposed to heat; Burning produces toxic nitrogen oxide smoke


④ Storage and transportation characteristics: warehouse ventilation, low-temperature drying; Store separately from oxidants


⑤ Extinguishing agent: water, dry sand, carbon dioxide, foam, 1211 extinguishing agent



Post time: Jun-26-2023